Things To know before coming to the competitive programming world


Hey there coders, 

If you are the freshers to the coding journey and you're confused related to all the stuffs then You're at the right place

Most of the student have doubt when they are willing to learn computer languages and they have come questions coming in their mind, let's have some point which come in almost all the student's mind

1.Which language to choose for base

Now you'll ask that which language to choose-

many students have this confusion in their mind that which will be better to learn, So let me clear You It's recommended to learn c language first if you learn this then you can also learn C++ easily. 

After clearing fundamentals like looping, conditions, structures in any one language whatever language you want to learn you can 

2.Best book for learning languages  with good practice

Yes now you'll have doubt regarding book then i'll recommend the best book for all these
You can See Here and you can download the free refrence books also. You'll get the knowledge about which book to choose for best practice and crystal clear concept.

3.where to practice the problems of fundamentals

After or along with learning language you can  clear your base by doing practice on the online website's like  
from these websites you can learn the implementations of the languages you've learn these websites contains the different-different separate sections for languages like C,C++,Java, Python.. & all.

Things you should remember-

Be confident whatever you learn
 What you've learned, you should be clear in that topic so that while doing programming         when you see once for revise you can get everything fast and recall all the logic easily and in   the best way 

Do practice on the daily basis every single day
Do the practice on the every single day don't ignore practice by learning concepts only.
when you do the practice then you're getting all the way of solution and multiple logic of the different-different problems.

Don't confused in your code
While making the program due to bad definition and bad structures  and wrong variable names ( like X Y Z ) student's mostly get confused that what the working of the code is and this is the reason for student they get tired by mind the solution is you just give meaningful name of the code and see that your loop closing tag is in the same line where it has started by doing this you can feel luxurious feeling  :)Ha ha 

Don't remember the code
Most of the student's are doing this mistake while learning they are just remembering the code for only passing the exams, Don't do that if you want to make your future in the programming or tech world just learn the logic rather remembering the code.

Hope it was helpful
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